Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

057 Gratitude and Thankfulness Solo Weekend With Bruce



Gratitude, being Thankful and Mindfulness Mode. "It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up." I love this powerful quote by Eckhart Tolle about gratitude. He is awonderful author on the topic of mindfulness and he gets right to point here. He feels gratitude is so important that it can take us into the spiritual side of life and he feels gratitude for the present moment is most important. Of course most of us feel some type of gratitude every day. There were times in my life when I didn't focus a lot on being thankful for the present moment, but I always have had gratitude in my life. As a family, we often talked about being grateful for what we had. My father would mention how grateful he was for rain and the weather, because he was a farmer and the weather was important in his work. There are always things to be grateful for, we just have to look around and be aware. Related Episodes: 024 Pat Flynn: Using a Weird-Looking Device to Get Insight Into Calmness