Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

036 Don Hutcheson: Get Into Your Feelings and Out of Your Thinking to Live a Full Life



Don Hutcheson has built six companies in the fields of publishing, advertising and career planning and fully believes in the power of meditation; so much so that he’s been meditating for 38 years. Don loves the art of communicating and makes that obvious as his role as host on his popular podcast, Discover Your Talent, Do What You Love. Don studiedRussian Language and Literature at Emory University in Atlanta Georgia and he is a true people person, fascinated with the passions and interests of everyone he meets. Contact InfoEmail: don@dytpodcast.com Podcast: www.discovertalentpodcast.com Most Influential PersonEckhart Tolle Effect on EmotionsIn utterly profound ways. Life is not an intellectual equation. Enstein said, I never happened on one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking. I think the more we can get into our feelings and into our beingness and out of our thinking, that’s the only way we can live a full life. And mindfulness has done that. Thoughts on BreathingIt’s seminal to it