Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

031 Drew Hume: Step Out of Frustration and Slow It Down With Thai Massage



Drew Hume is an expert at Thai massage. One of the things he says often while delivering a massage is ‘Slow it down’. Drew believes it helps us all to just:  SLOW … IT ... DOWN. Drew’s Thai massages clear your head and make you feel like he has a surreal connection to your body. From this you can tell Drew isa great person to talk to about Mindfulness. Drew was born in Australia and now lives in Toronto, Canada. Contact InfoWebsite: www.navina.ca Twitter: @NavinaTaiYoga Instagram: @NavinaTaiYoga Most Influential PersonS. N. Goenka, a Burmese-Indian teacher of Vipassanā meditation. Born in Burma, he moved to India in 1969 and started teaching meditation. Effect on EmotionsIt's helped me maintain a little bit more equanimity in that I get less caught up in the big negatives and less caught up in the big positives and I can maintain a little bit more equilibrium in how I respond. Thoughts on BreathingI think its a great way to educate yourself on restrictions and tensions within your own body and I also think