Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

024 Pat Flynn: Using a Weird-Looking Device to Get Insight Into Calmness



Pat Flynn is an online entrepreneur, a father and husband who puts family first and is one of the most personable, friendly business owners I know. Pat was laid off from his day job in 2008 and then started an online business. His blog and podcast called ‘Smart Passive Income” is wherePat shares amazing, abundant content and is completely open and transparent about his online learning experiences. Pat attributes mindfulness and meditation as part of the reason for his success. Contact InfoWebsite: www.smartpassiveincome.com Blog: Smart Passive Income Podcast: Smart Passive Income Twitter: @patflynn Most Influential PersonElon Musk (Founder of Tesla, SpaceX and SolarCity) Effect on EmotionsIt's helped me get in tune with what's happening and also figure out how to get deeper into what those things are. Sometimes when I have conversations and I ask questions, whether I'm the one who's needing help or someone else, the surface level questions don't really get into the root of the problem. Like the Toyota Manuf