Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

014 Hans Hageman: From the US Senate to a Harlem Middle School Death Threat



Hans Hageman describes himself as a visionary consultant for socially responsible businesses that put value on people, planet and profits. He worked for the Baltimore Police Department doing leadership training, started schools for underprivileged kids andis a writer for various blogs and magazines. Also a speaker, Hans helps people tell the story of their business in order to create an effective online & offline reputation. Hans has used mindfulness extensively in his work since 1992. Contact InfoEmail: hans@hanshageman.com Website: hanshageman.com Most Influential PersonDavid Swenson (Ashtanga Yoga Teacher) Effect on Emotions"When I find myself off center, I get back to center a lot faster" Thoughts on Breathing"When I looked into the research and power of breath [...] Breathwork has become incredibly important" Suggested ResourcesBook: Mindfulness For Beginners by Jon Kabat-Zinn App: Headspace (iOS) (Android) App: Binaural Beats (iOS) Advice for Newbie "Be patient and loving with yourselves"