Life In The Gray

How Do You Live Life In The Gray?



For this last episode, we present an unfiltered, intimate conversation about what it means practically to live life in the gray. Listen in for such exciting revelations as to who came up with our name and tagline, what our favorite episodes are, what we learned about each other from this experience, what our plans are for the future, and what this podcast means to us. Life In The Gray has been a grand experiment in being transparent as we processed through our thinking out loud with trusted friends. We encourage you to find a group of trusted friends and do the same. Due to changing life circumstances, we have decided to put Life In The Gray on an indefinite hiatus for the time being. Feel free to check out any older episodes you might have missed, and continue to follow us for updates to see what we are up to next. We thank everyone for making this a memorable journey, and we hope to return someday; until then, when things aren't black or white, continue living life in the gray. Cheers!