Rhymes Against Humanity With Adam Brodsky

RAH The Mary Tyler Moore Theme Song episode



Julie is in town and we got to talking about how much 13-year-old Adam enjoyed the MTM oeuvre. She was kind enough to sit on the other side of the Yeti (set to figure 8, natch) and listen to me harken back to those early boners. In my much less than comprehensive review of the amazing MTM's career, it should be said that I meant to, but forgot to mention her short lived variety show, 1978 I think. Y'know, Bay City Rollers, Shields and Yarnell, Paul Lynde, etc. A young member of the cast, was I believe a former weatherman from Indiana, David Lettersomething. What ever happened to that guy? And we go out with Butch Ross covering Greg Brown. A song that will appear on Butch's new record in March. Click on his name and see the specificities of the project. And remember, M