Adventures In Alchemy

211: Last Episode: Easy 180 Mind Shifts



3 tips on how to take a 180 Mind Shift Decide that you want to new story Reframe and create a new story- here is a good place to add magical support—pray rain journaling, scripting, Sigils, spells, etc. If you want to learn more about that there is a link in the show notes to some my online courses.  Live the new story  I am going to say goodbye to the Adventures in Alchemy podcast, but I do love podcasting, so I plan to come back and use what I’ve learned to create a new and hopefully better podcast that is of even more value to you. To make sure you hear about that please go to and join my Magickal email list and then you will be sure to get the details of the new podcast when it happens. Sign up here ___________________________________ If you want to book a Magick 101: Planning & Tweaking your Daily Practice one-on-one with me, learn more here: Find me at