Women Gone Vibrant| Ayurveda For Midlife & Menopause

Episode #47: How to heal childhood trauma without drugs



The Healing is the personal story of Saeeda Hafiz and a true page-turner. Saeeda is an African American woman who grew up in impoverished conditions and an abusive family. Her idea out of misery was to uplevel herself into the middle class. While having been successful career wise in most people’s perception, she yearned for more. A cooking class opened her eyes to more than just the normal sense of success. She started exploring natural healing methods, in particular food as medicine and yoga as a pathway to more happiness. Saeeda discovered that being truly happy is not only about having more money and a better career but that releasing undigested thoughts, feelings and traumas from the past are a crucial component to being joyful at the core. Yoga and her food choices led the way.   What you get from tuning in: The real life story of how Saeeda transformed her life from trauma to happiness Inspiration on how food is a powerful medicine to shift you out of trauma Sugar – the ally that keeps you stuck Yoga