Women Gone Vibrant| Ayurveda For Midlife & Menopause

Episode #45: Simple, everyday Ayurvedic cooking for a peaceful mind



  If you are like most people eating healthy and well is high on your new year’s resolution list. Is it? That’s not surprising. After all, good food is a foundational piece to lasting health and happiness. With bad food we feel blah, bloaty, uninspired. Who wants that? With good food we feel uplifted and inspired. I attest to it. Well, I hate to break the news to you, but if you want to feed yourself well, home cooked food is essential for a peaceful and harmonious mind … and a vibrant body of course. Are you cringing? Does cooking at home sound like a whole lot of work? Hold your horses and read on … If you are a person who eats out a lot you have very little control about what goes into your body (and mind). Restaurants typically get their ingredients from big suppliers who give a d&*% about where they source their food from. The main goal is to keep costs down so you can eat affordably. It’s likely that you eat artificial ingredients,  hormone fed beef and unorganic lettuce. Those ingredients ain’t cre