Women Gone Vibrant| Ayurveda For Midlife & Menopause

Episode #44: Four satisfying winter holiday recovery recipes … for more lightness and loose fitting pants



This is a practical episode about food to help you stay on the bandwagon of healthy eating during the winter holidays. For most of us, winter holidays mean lots of cookies, home-baked goods, many parties and lots of alcohol. And with it comes what? You guessed it, tight fitting pants and a sluggish, heavy digestion. In the last episode we talked about the 3 phase holiday feasting strategy. If you have not listened to that episode, do it now. Then tune in here to get four satisfying recipes to PREP FOR and RECOVER from the feast. What you get from tuning in: 4 recipes to recover from winter holiday parties The digest-ability scale and why you need to care The eat light, eat simple, eat veg principle How to find healthy feasting recipes      Visit my Website  Join my private Facebook Group  Watch the free video series 5 secrets to a Better Menopause Upgrade your body experience. Apply for Body Joy