Women Gone Vibrant| Ayurveda For Midlife & Menopause

Episode #36: Cracking the anxiety code



18% of the US population suffers from generalized anxiety. That’s almost 1/5 of the population. That’s huge. Anxiety disorders are highly treatable, yet less than 40% of those suffering receive treatment. Hand in hand with anxiety often comes depression. Yikes.   I had severe anxiety in my early to mid 20s, too. So did Jamie. We have walked the path and came out the other end way more grounded and self confident. Jamie used to be on anti- depressants and was frequently so anxious she would cancel a yoga class she was scheduled to teach last minute. Looking at Jamie today, you see a firm and empowered woman across the table.   Yoga and Ayurveda offer simple, low cost and no-side-effect tools. We share with you what worked and still works for us.   “If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.”  Amit Ray, Om Chanting and Meditation   What you get from tuning in: The difference between constructive vs. crippling anxiety The mental attitude you need to adopt to emerge from