Women Gone Vibrant| Ayurveda For Midlife & Menopause

Episode #21. How to travel in sanity: 7 epic tips from Ayurveda



Travelling can be uprooting and nerve wrecking for the most robust of us. With the holidays right around the corner you may find yourself in a car, airplane or, if you are amongst the nogaltics, in a train towards destination “loved ones”. Having traveled extensively myself over the past 20 years I know how uncomfortable plane seats and gas station toilets can be. You may arrive feeling molded to the cushion you sat on for the past however many hours. Arriving exhausted, with an aching body and overstretched mind is the last thing you want when visiting auntie Sue and uncle Tom for Christmas (or Thanksgiving or any other important occasion). From an Ayurvedic perspective travel is Vata aggravating which means the air and ether elements go all out of sorts. For your body that means constipation, headaches, hard stools, dry skin, dry eyes and whatever other ailments come with dehydration. And if that’s not enough, your nerves may be a wreck, you feel overwhelmed and anxious. You are way overstimulated. Well,