Are You Being Real? | The One & Only Podcast

241 Mark Shapiro - Re-Root: Breaking Free From Your Past



*Listen & Subscribe on iTunes *Listen on SoundCloud *Subscribe to the People Being Real YouTube Channel     "What do you do when you realize that the person you have been is no longer serving you?"   In Episode 241, Mark decided to share some thoughts on this very question. This summer has offered Mark a ton of opportunities to self-reflect and get real with himself about who he's been and what it's going to take to get to where he wants to go.   Some of the this week's highlights include some thoughts regarding how triggering (and insightful) being around family can be, what kind of thought habits, patterns, and actions from his childhood continue to influence him today (for better or for worse), and what we can all do to get clear on why we are the way we are and use that information to guide us into the future we want.   If you're ready to take a trip down memory lane and get real with yourself, check out this micro-episode on People Being Real!   This has been a reality for Mark in 2019. He’s been nu