Are You Being Real? | The One & Only Podcast

230 Lani Cooper - Recovery, Confidence, & Foam Rolling Water Bottles



Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   We're all chasing our vision for happiness, wellness, and success. And for most of us, getting to where we want to get to require a great commitment to making relatively simple changes and habits.  But for Lani Cooper, experiencing accidental brain damage from a game of rugby has made her pursuit for wellness and entrepreneurship anything but easy.   After a grueling recovery period of re-learning how to be human (use language, basic human functions, recovering memories, etc), she has become a successful stand-up comedian and entrepreneur through her company MOBOT (the first foam rolling water bottles available on the market).  She's a great example of the power of a positive spirit, hard work, and the ability for humanity to overcome life-changing trauma.   If you're curious to hear how exactly she overcame this trauma, the philosophy behind MOBOT and her foam rolling water bottles, how she manages her recovery and her business at the same time, and what she likes to joke a