Crossing Borders With Nathan Lustig

Advice from Venture Capitalists to Latin American Founders, Ep 100



Advice from Venture Capitalists to Latin American Founders, Ep 100 Over the years, we’ve had the chance to interview some of the best venture capital investors in Latin America on the Crossing Borders podcast. With that in mind, we decided to launch an Investor Remix Series, where we go back to previous episodes to highlight the stories of some of the region’s most interesting and successful investors. For the first episode in the series, we feature six investors giving advice to founders from Latin America.   The episode kicks off with Michael Sidgmore, Partner at Broadhaven Ventures, who provides tips to founders on how they should be approaching their investment pitch. Next, Andrés Barreto, Founder of Firstock Capital, talks about some of the most common mistakes founders make when seeking investment. Then, Amanda Jacobson, a venture capitalist currently working at fintech startup Oyster Financial, talks about the lessons she’s learned from when she first started out as an entrepreneur.   Next, Johanna Po