Are You Being Real? | The One & Only Podcast

223 Taylor Conroy - Knowing When To Start Over



Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   We've all heard the myth of the Phoenix: the legendary bird that consumes itself in its own fire and then is reborn from its own ashes.  But what if the myth is actually just symbolic of the change we're meant to go through ourselves?   Ask Taylor Conroy, and he'll tell you that's exactly what the phoenix symbolizes.   Taylor is a surfer, chocolate aficionado, and entrepreneur that has been focusing on social enterprises that make real change in the world (such as building schools, funding water projects, and helping influencers and thought leaders get their ideas on the TEDx stage).   He's also gone through his own Phoenix cycle by making millions, losing it all except $2.00, and rebuilding his life into a more satisfying and successful career than before.   In Episode 223, Taylor discusses his the thought processes he had to go through in order to rebuild his life, when it's important to do so, and the most important mindset elements we need to sustain that rebirth. As a c