Are You Being Real? | The One & Only Podcast

220 JJ Virgin - Getting Real About Our Physical & Emotional Health



Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   Depending on the day or season of life, some of us treat our bodies and minds like a temple and some of us like an amusement park on the last day of Spring Break. However you choose to live, there's no denying that we only get one life to live. How we treat our bodies, our minds, and other people will greatly influence what we can accomplish in this life.   For prominent tv personality, JJ Virgin, it's not enough to just simply take care of your physical body. To get to where she is, it requires some authenticity and vulnerability in sharing the real you with the public. Once she opened up and shared her experiences, fears, and challenges as the mother of a son in a life-threatening situation, she discovered that it brought her closer to her audience than ever before and helped her feel free.   When we share who we are, we give everyone else permission to connect and share their own truths as well.   If you're ready to get real about your physical and emotional health, check