Are You Being Real? | The One & Only Podcast

218 Jen Gottlieb - Connecting The Dots To Find Your Purpose



Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   Sometimes the goal or the dream we're meant to chase ends up being different than the one we started with.   Just ask Jen Gottlieb. She felt the desire to pursue acting and performing and experienced many wonderful opportunities to exercise that desire. But after each experience, there was something inside her that made her feel like this wasn't quite where she needed to be.  As she continued to jump from opportunity to opportunity, she got to know herself better until she ended up where she is today: running Unfair Advantage LIVE alongside the love of her life (and previous guest of the show), Chris Winfield.   Are you being real about letting your goals change as you change?   If you've been pursuing a goal or a dream that you don't feel 100% aligned with and don't know what to do, tune in to Episode 218 of Are You Being Real! Jen gets real about what it took for her to have the courage to make the changes and ultimately look back and connect the dots to understand how eve