Are You Being Real? | The One & Only Podcast

216 Sanyika The Firestarter - Fanning Your Inner Fire



Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   "You don't need to be personally affected by a specific trauma or tragedy to be the voice of a movement. You just need to care."   That belief is behind Sanyika The Firestarter's drive and success.   Having experienced being 'broke as a joke' and hitting rock bottom in every area of his life, he's a shining example of the power of finding your fire within, turning your life around, and using your voice to create real impact in the world. Today, he uses his passion for speaking and entertainment to create uplifting content for causes he believes in like The Teddy Bear Campaign, a project aimed to help fan the flames for gun reform and bring awareness to the number of children affected by gun violence.   To learn how Sanyika turned his life around 'in an instant,' how he's evolved as an artist, how you can get involved in his inspiring projects, and how he continues to fan the fire within, check out Episode 216 of Are You Being Real?.   Enjoy!!     Connect with Mark: Instagram