Are You Being Real? | The One & Only Podcast

215 Susie Carder - Establishing Self-Worth & Net Worth



Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   “Your net worth will only go as high as your self-worth.”   Too many people are settling for the hand that life has dealt them. They're either content with the meager results or aren't aware that they can get much more out of life than they currently are.   This was clear to Susie Carder from a young age. She grew up in a household of poverty where there were nine children and hand-me-down underwear was the norm. Seeing herself in a place where she didn't want to be for the rest of her life, she began her journey as a life-long learner to learn the ins and out of business and what it takes to become financially successful.   Flash forward to the present day and Susie is at the top of her game. She's made her clients and herself more money that they call her 'The Profit Coach.' But more importantly, she's developed incredible self-worth that continues to propel her forward and achieve breakthrough after breakthrough.   Want to learn more about how Susie created a massive net