Are You Being Real? | The One & Only Podcast

213 Suzy Batiz - Alive As Shit: How To Live Turned On



Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   By the time Suzy Batiz had reached 38, she had already experienced multiple failures in business and in life and had just gone through her second bankruptcy and was suffering from depression. Shit got real for her. It got so real that when she had the inspiration to develop what we know today as 'Poo-Pourri', she got right to work and went from broke to creating a $400M+ empire and brand.   And she credits it all to 'doing what turns you on.'   Are you being real about how you do with your ideas, inspiration, and life when shit gets real?   Tune into Episode 213 to hear Suzy and Mark discuss the origins of Poo~Pourri, what Suzy did to overcome her depression and get through her financial struggles, why you should treat your ideas, inspiration, and businesses like a baby, and why it's important to do what turns you on instead of what others expect.   Enjoy!!     Connect with Mark: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter Connect with Suzy: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter     Show Notes: