Are You Being Real? | The One & Only Podcast

212 Ora Nadrich - Living True Through Mindfulness & Authenticity



Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   Do you dwell on your past? Are you anxious about the future? You're not alone. Many people relive past experiences over and over in the head, wondering what might have been, or fret about tomorrow thinking "What if."  But what we fail to realize in those moments, is that we're passing up a once-in-a-lifetime moment that we could be learning from in the here and now.   Are you being real living true and living in the present?   In Episode 212, Mark sits down with mindfulness coach and author, Ora Nadrich. She's an expert at helping others live authentically in the present. After the passing of her sister, Ora has doubled-down on living in the moment and treating each moment like it's only one worth living. And in this episode, she shares why the past is a great teacher, how authenticity plays into mindfulness, how to create better relationships with our desires and attachments, and she shares some of her favorite techniques to savor the present.   Enjoy!!     Connect with Mar