Are You Being Real? | The One & Only Podcast

210 Scott Norton - How To Build An Authentic Brand & Company



Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   What does it take to build a successful brand and business? What does it take to change a company culture? What does it take to build authentic brand loyalty? What does it take to disrupt Big Ketchup?   Masterful Authentic Storytelling.   This is what Scott Norton used to take Sir Kensington’s, a popular condiment brand built on integrity and charm, from a small startup to ultimately being bought out by Unilever. From the backstory of the titular character “Sir Kensington” to the story weaving of how the company sources its ingredients and labor, the art of authentically telling a story has been a crucial ingredient every step of the way. And it’s not something that’s just unique to him. Anyone can tap into their own experiences and creativity to build a brand like his.   In this episode, Mark and Scott talk about the origin of Sir Kensington’s, how Scott redefined his role at the company so he could play to his strengths, why company culture and finding balance as a manager