Are You Being Real? | The One & Only Podcast

203 Chris Pan - What's Your Word For 2019?



Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   When Chris started creating MyIntent bracelets for people, it started as a passion project. But it's become so much more than that. It's turned into a worldwide movement that's reached the wrists and necks many thousands of people, including celebrities like Larry King, Rihanna, Jay-Z, Conan O'Brien, and Kanye West (on the cover of TIME Magazine).   While these jewelry pieces are helping the wearer connect with their intention, they are also sparking unique conversations among strangers and creating a deeper connection between the person giving the piece and the person receiving it. And because Chris is providing the tools to make these pieces to whoever wants them, he's paving the way for greater impact and positivity all around the world.   Curious about the origins of MyIntent? Want to know which personal development programs have influenced Chris and Mark the most? Are you ready to create your word for 2019 and make this the best year yet? Then tune into to Episode 203 o