Creative Thursday

240 Your Mid-Year Check-in



This season, you know the one with the laid back summer vibes (or chill winter vibes for my Southern Hemipshere friends) not usually known for planning....however what I've found... is that this is actually one of the the BEST times of year to peacefully check-in and do a little pre-planning for the next 6 months of the year ~ and specifically prepare your Holiday season collection, my business Artist friend! In this episode I'm sharing 3 simple steps to do a mid-year check-in that will set you up for an excellent second half of the year! Ready to re-connect with your vision + plans for 2021 alongside a group of dedicated Artists (both emerging and established) you can still join us for a mid-year check-in and creative dreaming + planning session, click here to to join us for the Profitable Artist's Planning Challenge.   You can find all things Marisa and Creative Thursday and on instagram and facebook @creativethursday