Are You Being Real? | The One & Only Podcast

196 Sebastian Terry - The Intersection of Connection & Kindness



  Sebastian Terry is tv host, TEDx speaker, and an advocate for kindness. But while he has always longed for connection, he didn't always have the scope of impact on others as he does now.   When he was younger, Sebastian tried playing into the status quo.  He played sports, he got a degree from college, and he started his own business. Yet, he still ended up feeling lost and without purpose.   It wasn't until the death of a close friend that he stopped to evaluate and realized that sticking to the status quo wasn't helping him find his purpose. So he created a list of 100 things to accomplish before he dies.  As he progressed on that list, he had the realized that what truly brought fulfillment for him was to help others work on their own list of things to accomplish. This realization helped sparked the 100 Things show on Go90 and the new app to marry kindness and connection called KINDSUM which is bound to make real worldwide impact.   Being kind and connecting with others often comes down to just being wil