Are You Being Real? | The One & Only Podcast

187 Mark Shapiro - Am I Being Real? Burning Man 2018



Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   Imagine a world that's a cross between Disneyland and Willy Wonka where you can be whoever you want to be, do what you want to do, dance how you want to dance, and just express yourself as you please with 69,999 other for an entire week. This place exists for one week a year and it's called Burning Man. For Mark, Burning Man almost serves as New Years. He uses it as a time to assess where his life has taken him since the last Burn and where he is at emotionally, spiritually, physically, and romantically. Even though this past year has been challenging, it's also been full of immense growth. In Episode 187, Mark shares what made this year's Burn particularly special. Stay tuned to the end of the episode for a list of special affirmations that help Mark through his challenges and could be of service to you as well.   Connect with Mark: | Instagram   Show Notes: -What is Burning Man? -Why Burning Man is like New Years. -Common challenges you encounter at Bu