Contractors Secret Weapon Podcast

Money is Made in The Back-Office Randal De Hart 285



For our podcast, our fun guest is going to help you make more money and show you how money is made in the back office . We have Randal De Hart, with Fast and Easy Accounting. He’s the co-founder of the Business Consulting and Accounting Agency, and a specialized in providing back office services for construction company. They provide book keeping services, invoicing, payment applications, preparation payroll processing, prevailing wage, monthly realtor, tax reports for construction companies. They’re located in Washington State but they handle companies all over the states. One of their mottos is: “WE REMOVE YOUR CONTRUCTOR PAPERWORK FRUSTRATIONS.”  Way back ‘92,’93 its very obvious that there’s a huge difference between construction accounting and regular accounting. All accounting uses the same equation which is the 3 O’S. The first O is the assets, as a constructor, what do you OWN? The second O is the liability. What do you OWE? The third O is Equity. What’s left OVER? Any constructor would understand t