Contractors Secret Weapon Podcast

What are the unanswered questions every employee needs answered Jeffrey Davidson 280



What are the unanswered questions every employee needs answered today’s podcast we will be talking with Jeffrey Davidson about that topic. Jefferey Davidson likes to talk about is leading a great team. He loves seeing a team work together and a good leader leading a team. Seeing things done right is a good feeling for him. Taking your professional teams from a “meh” level to a maze ball.   He is engaging, thought provoking and sometimes get you excited, you think you forgot to pee. Jeffrey has been exploring the boundaries of world class team for over 20 years, and is a recognized expert in strengthening leaders and building teams. He has worked with hundreds of teams and thousands of employees, and consulted with multiple fortune one hundred corporation. He’s a dynamic presenter, he speaks in conferences across the US and in Canada, and his audiences loves his interactive and high energy talk because it includes humor, real life stories, success with many brushes of failures which is the best way to learn. J