Are You Being Real? | The One & Only Podcast

173 Being Real About Racism



On this week’s episode, we continue our four-part Group Podcast series with our second episode touching on the topic of Racism. This is a delicate, sensitive, and hot-button topic and I'm delighted with the bold, inspiring, and honest answers our guests answered on the spot. It's a topic that definitely doesn't get address nearly enough and I'm happy to share this with you. This week’s guests are: Caitlin Turner: an empowering Instagram influencer (@gypsetgoddess). Zach Puchtel: a musician and  transformational author of the upcoming book “The American.” Amber Valdez: The "Life Purpose Cheerleader" coach and author of Stickie Affirmations. Preston Smiles: a popular transformational YouTuber, and founder of ‘Man Cave,’ an online brotherhood of conscious men. This concept was conceived from the positive feedback we received on Episode 149 where I brought in 5 of my friends and just sat around and talked about life and what’s real for us. If you'd like to listen to part 1 of this series, check out Episode 171