Contractors Secret Weapon Podcast

The Customer Experience, Great, Good, Bad, Indifferent How Your Customer Sees You. Dave Negri 269



The Customer Experience, is it Great, is it Good, is it Bad, Indifferent, How Does Your Customer See You? This one of my pet peeves, how do you treat your customer better yet how does your customer perceive your interaction, Do they believe they are being treated well? That is really the defining factor. They won’t tell you they just won’t do business with you again   The customer experience has been so on my mind for the past few days, week, or so that I really want to take a look into the customer experience. It’s just been one of those things over the past couple of weeks, sort of like a creeping thing at the back of your neck and I will tell you why. So, here’s part of what’s going on.   I’m looking to remodel bathrooms, or my wife is looking to remodel our bathrooms. So, I go to the granite store that’s suggested to me by my contractor. Yes, I hire a contractor; I don’t work on my own house because I love my wife and want to stay happily married. Because the only things she’ll get out of me is a start da