Contractors Secret Weapon Podcast

Do you Have the Customer You Deserve or The Customer You Want Dave Negri 267



Do you have the customer you deserve, or do you have the customer you want? I ask this question to many contractors and the response that I usually get is, “yes, I want all the customers I can get! customers are the lifeblood of my business, the more customers the more money.” REALLY? That’s what we are going to discuss today.   The next thing I say is that was not the question I asked! The question I asked was, “do you have the customer you deserve, or do you have a customer you want.” Then I get this weird look and I have to continue on.   You see most contractors going into business think about getting business and not about that business as a whole. As they enter the marketplace, they sit down and figure out what everyone else is charging and start competing on price. They figure they have a good product and they are great at what they do so they should succeed. I ask why do they take their excellent work and just start competing on price just to get into the market place.   How do I know about this? I’m