Holbrook New Media Audio Feed

Angelina Jolie & Gene Simmons -DOTM002



Angelina Jolie"You might never find out that you are useful for all the right reasons - and not all those stupid things that people tell you you're useful for." What are you useful for? I believe most of us haven’t really tried to find our special talents and aptitudes. Being busy with life and making a living is quite distracting. As a result, we tend to believe what others tell us, and in the end spend a large amount of time being jerked about like a puppet on strings. Being used by others is never much fun. We seem to spend inordinate amounts of time trying to please others, and sometimes people get the impression that you are available for their convenience. This usually starts with a compliment, telling you how good you are at something, and ending with how you need to do this thing for them. Wanting to please and be liked, we comply and find ourselves in a never ending loop of being used. To be fair, not everyone is trying to use you, but it is imperative that we learn to detect the signs early so we wo