Contractors Secret Weapon Podcast

Simple Micro Hack to Grow Your Contracting Business Exponentially Dave Negri 262



Simple Micro Hack to Grow Your Contracting Business Exponentially Dave Negri; what if  you could  to grow your business by 40% without adding any more marketing campaigns with no more postcards, mailers, just by tweaking it just a tad and go through this thing called asset recovery.    Well if I sat down to think that I was going to grow my business by 40%. I would rack my brains and say Man I got to do a ton of work but I'm going to show you today. Now, what if I told you, you could grow your business by 40% without adding any more marketing campaigns. That's no more postcards no more mailers no more just by doing exactly what you're doing now but tweaking it just a tad. And I mean just a tad it just blew me away when I sat down and went through asset recovery. I'm still speechless as I go through it. You know there's a lot of times that we all know things like I knew this and I practiced it a little. But to take it one more step. I actually added 40%. I can actually add 40% to my gross sales. So, before you