Contractors Secret Weapon Podcast

Discover How to Make your customer Feel Important Dave Negri 257



Discover How to make your customers feel Important should be number one on top of your list. We want to give a wow factor to our customers and basically the wow factor is doing what other won't But really boils down to doing what others don't. We all want to build ultimately a business with sustainable growth, sustainable profit. Treat our customers exponentially super good. So how do we do that? First of all, we want to build ultimately a business with sustainable growth, sustainable profit. So, in order to do that the best way to do business. And yes, we do need customers and acquire new customers all the time but mainly we need to treat our customers exponentially super good. I like to call it the WOW factor and basically the wow factor is doing what others won't. What others won't. But really boils down to doing what others don't. So, let's just go through a list of some of the things that you can do to make your customer feel important because when your customer feels important when my customer feels imp