Contractors Secret Weapon Podcast

Keep From Crippling Your Business With These Marketing Mistakes day 6 Dave Negri 248



"Keep from crippling your business with these 20 marketing mistakes" and today is our last day. It's true, Marketing Mistake number 16: Using catchy tunes, jingle, slogans and mottos instead of real solid reasons to have people buy. Do you monitor your competition? How about just asking your What they want? But here's one. It's using-- number 16 is using catchy tunes jingle slogans and mottos instead of real solid reasons to have people buy. Say you've heard them, they're everywhere, they're on the radio or in a television. In fact, you probably catch yourself seeing your humming at least a couple of different jingles or tunes throughout the course of the day. You know, you can't get that crazy thing out of my head. You find yourself quoting some catchy slogan or motto you've heard or read the question you can ask is if they're so catchy. And I find myself singing them, humming them or quoting them. Aren't they working? Aren't they doing their job? And the answer is yes, of course. They're working and yes, th