Contractors Secret Weapon Podcast

Reigniting Your Passion with Business Strategist Scott Hansen 240



Scott Hansen Shares with us today about reigniting your passion. Some great tactics and strategies. To move us from the ho hum of our lives back to the passion of why we started our journey. Scott really wants to help the entrepreneur the business owner move to what he calls turn the lights back on in their business to help them get to the next level of success because we only get this thing called life once there are no redo’s in life. Why not become the best version of yourself in order to do that and have the kind of business or have the kind of life that you truly, truly want. Being passionate with your passion, lot of guys you know they get into the normal everyday stuff and they forget I think you'd probably say they forgot about that why they just do the things they do. They forget about the why. How do you get re inspired, how do you get re motivated if you're going through life and it feels like Groundhog Day sometimes. I would suggest to anybody that feels like their challenged they're stuck or they