Contractors Secret Weapon Podcast

Stop Prejudging Your Customers in the Sales Process with Dave Negri 239



Stop pre-judging your customer in the sales process Listen we've all done it and some of us more than others. We do not know what our clients can afford or not afford, want or don’t want or how they will react because someone else didn’t do that before, so don't put that roadblock on your path to success so stop prejudging, Do you think you can predict the client's reaction with hundred percent accuracy let me tell you a story I love this story Zig Ziglar one of my heroes Stories that were just awesome, but you know he started out selling expensive pots and pans and one day he had to go up to this house where he had an appointment When he entered the house, it was a real tiny house had five or six kids and they didn't look like they could afford anything. Zig prejudged the whole situation  He starts going through his presentation and he talks himself out of the sale. He is telling himself that these people are poor, living all cramped up In this little house he's going these people will never, never be able t