Contractors Secret Weapon Podcast

Why You Want to Respond to Complaints Fast with Dave Negri 236 



Why you want to respond to complaints fast, turn the negative into a positive. We all get phone calls and the phone calls we get for getting new customers are the ones we love, but you know the ones that complain are the ones that we hate I mean literally hate. When we see the number on the phone we just cringe so today I want to talk about how to respond to complaints fast, why you want to respond to complaints fast, so you know it's kind of funny as we sit down and we look and we get all these calls of people who complain and hopefully it's not too many, but if it is a lot then that's a whole other area that we need to work on. And that's service and probably the need to raise your prices because you're cutting your service short. We're just going to go into responding to complaints fast. Keeping an even enhancing client relations is to respond to complaints quickly and efficiently never ever leave a client unhappy even if they are a bad apple, and you want to get rid of them. The best way to get rid of the