Contractors Secret Weapon Podcast

Never Start Tomorrow Until It’s Finished with Dave Negri 229



Never star tomorrow till it's finished I know that we all make plans we all set our goals, but can it be done better? Our weekly plan and our daily plan we set out what we've got to do for the week we'll set out on Monday and know what time we start our business let's say or what time our crews go out and when they come back, you’ve got that crew list of who's going out who's go where, and you've got one for yourself. And if you don’t things just get crazy. If you haven’t got here we go again having it pre-planned out. We are in big trouble. Years ago, I had a mentor that was very wise. He said NEVER START TOMMAROW UNTIL IT’S FINISHED. Our minds like structure, we really do perform better when we lay out everything and have a plan to execute. If you plan your day as you go you live in utter chaos because you are allowing, allowing to give up control of you day to circumstances. Who is in control your circumstances or you. The only way for you to be in control is for your day, your week, your month to be plann