Marketing To Crush Your Competitors: Online Business - Marketing Strategies - Fabienne Raphaël

Episode 218: "How Handwritten Messages Can Outscore Tweets & Posts" - Courtney Daniel



Name of guest: Courtney Daniel When I was a little girl, my cousin Daphney and I would correspond via mail. Sending ourselves letters. Secret letters. With special coding. So only both of us would understand the message. We called our system the Messenger Cousins. I was 9 years-old. We still talk about this today and are amazed about how we were patiently writing these coded letters.  We also took extremely good care of sending them on nice paper. Always. Why Handwritten Letters? I tell you that story because my guest this week is a personal correspondence liaison. She specializes in sending handwritten letters, cards, and correspondence to create lifelong memories. Courtney is fighting against the posts, the tweets, the text messages or the pictures that are sent quickly on social media. The communication changed through the years… But even if it did, people are still very excited about getting a handwritten letter, which is more likely to get opened as opposed to something with your typed name on it. As Cou