Mostly Nitpicking

Reckless Speculation - HBO 2015



It's not TV. It's Reckless Speculation! This week we sit down with fellow podcaster Nick Berrios to talk about the best network in all of creation, the Home Box Office or HomeBO for short or HBO for shortest. DJ thinks HBO will be forced to put Game of Thrones on hold until the new books are written because no one has ever stretched one 300 page novel into three two hour long movies with all kinds of new dwarf/elf love triangles and forty five minutes of f*@king Radagast! Nando thinks Westworld will grow faster than the mega hit Game of Thrones thanks to a production team that includes J J Abrams, a man known for quality television that comes to a satisfying conclusion. Nick thinks that True Detective Season 2 will start strong and fizzle once audiences realize that the second guy is Collin Farrell.