Ramble With Russel Podcast

Ramble With Russel - 155 - Heroes in Crisis



This week hereos old and new get the focous.  First up is my book review of the latest Wildcards mosiac novel Busted Flush edited by George R.R. Martin as things heat up for the Committee.  Then I give my take of the Graphic Audio adaptation of DC's Crisis on Infinite Earths as an universe is shaken to it's core.  As a bonous review I throw in Prototype for the PS3 for your listening pleasure.  Music for this week features the songs Crisis by Classic Tragic Hero & A Moments of Crisis by Greg Schuler,  both can be found at www.podsafemusic.com.  Other instrumental music is by the band Mr. Burns and they can be found at http://mrburns.homestead.com/index.html.  As always your comments and suggestions are welcome