Ramble With Russel Podcast

Ramble With Russel - Episode 88 - Podcamp Toronto '08 Un-Conference Special



This week it is another on the road edition of my podcast as I check out the 2nd annual Podcamp Toronto Un-Conference that took place at Ryerson University from Feb. 23 - 24.  Along with my take on the event you will also get to hear from Chris Brogan, social media anaylist and great guy as we talk about the growth of podcasting and how networking is changing,  Jay Moonah, organizer, podcaster and musician about the coference and Matthew Campagna, from www.bsgcast.com, as we discuss the upcoming season of BattleStar Galactic and what marked the death of network television.  Music on this week's show are the songs City Life by Shane Ervin and  Another Day in the City by Classic Tragic Hero.  Instrumental music is from the track Travelogue by George Woods and tracks from the band Mr. Burns.  If you want to check out all of the sessions that were at the event check out  http://podcamptoronto.pbwiki.com/MediaArchive2008 where they will all be eventually posted (including mine) for you to look at.    As always you