Hair Of The Dogcast

The Dogcast - 91 - TMNT ME ASAP! (or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Secret of the Booze)



Cowabunga, Dogcast Duderinos! This week we're loading up the Turtle Van and heading for a fun discussion of the past, present, and future of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle franchise! With the recent reveal of the upcoming Turtle arcade-throwback-brawler: "TMNT: Shredder's Revenge", we knew it was the perfect time to finally cash in our coupon for that Pizza Hut personal pan pizza from 1990 and visit one of the biggest entertainment juggernauts of a generation. Josh--The Dogcast's own resident TMNT expert and historian--takes us on journey through the beginnings, the comics, TV shows, the ups, the downs, Vanilla Ice karaoke, and of course: THE GAMES. Join us for a Turtle-y Excellent time! And yes, these puns are absolutely terrible. Also on the episode: - Is the Nintendo Switch Pro finally coming? - Sony PS5 hits a milestone! - Microsoft and Bethesda, sittin' in a tree... - Brad spends 40 hours in VR. He may now be more machine than man. - Oh look! More politicians trying to ban "violent" video games. Ah, it'