Hair Of The Dogcast

Episode 52 - Secret ObSNESsions



That's it. We just can't hold it in anymore, so it's confession time: We STILL have a crush on that purple-gray little console from the 90's: The Super Nintendo. We've wanted to tell you for awhile, but it's just been so hard, you know? Especially with all these fancy new-fangled next-gen consoles prancing around like they're Miyamotos gift to pixels. Sure, the SNES may be a bit yellowed since the old days and the eject button may not have the same spring it once had, but even after all these years we just can't quit you!  (Cue sappy Peter Gabriel music). This week, we invite you to come along with the Dogcast on a deeper dive of our favorite Super Nintendo games and also a bunch of hidden gems that may not have exactly gotten the attention they deserved back in their prime, but should not be missed! And also a couple games you should avoid like a rusty nail sticking out of a park bench.  We also drink some excellent beers on this episode, including the incredible "Smells Like Bean Spirit" by Mikerphone Brewi