Empowering Smes

Experts Endorse Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising



Are you missing out on the capital on which your successful small or medium sized business needs to grow? There’s no real reason you should be, if you run a SME that meets the requirements for an all-new capital-raising process. Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising (CSF) has seen a rapid uptake amongst those companies, who have been first to market, since the process was legalized for small proprietary companies here in Australia back in October last year. More than $22M has already been raised as capital for small and medium sized businesses, in less than five months. That’s pretty remarkable, isn’t it? So, if your business is on the hunt for capital, Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising is a path that you and your accountant should seriously consider for your company.     READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE