Rankdaddy's Podcast

Ep 4 - Five Insane Prospecting Tips - Land More Clients Immediately!



Over the last several years, Brandon has helped thousands of entrepreneurs to start, & scale, successful digital marketing businesses. As Creator of the RankDaddy training platform, his concept of “outsourcing everything” allows his followers to scale at a pace never before thought of, giving his students, freedom to get their life back! For Full Transcript, visit http://RankDaddy.TV First of all, we have to figure out a way for our clients to have no pressure, to have no stress about being willing to use our service, right? So the first thing I do with every single client is say there's no contract. You can use me as long as you like, you can go ... we can go month to month, and if you one day want to stop, I don't need any notice. You just say, okay, that's it. So, no contract. I'm not going to lock you in a contract. What that does for the client's mind is when they're ... You're talking to them about your service, about your SEO, your digital marketing, they'll ... they're already ... Maybe they're i