Great Escape Radio: Travel Writing | Photography | Publishing | Writing

Finding Inspiration in Stories of Success



“You’re never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C. S. Lewis Host Jody Mayberry talks with travel writer, Terri Marshall about her role as the success story manager for Great Escape Publishing. “I’m fortunate to see all the success stories that come in through letters and on the various Facebook pages and the Travel Writer’s Café,” says Terri. “The stories inspire me, give me a boost of creativity, and remind me of how far I’ve come in my own travel writing journey.” Most of Great Escape Publishing members don’t start with a journalism degree. They come to the programs from all types of backgrounds. Terri had a long career in tax and law before attending a Great Escape Travel Writer’s Workshop and ultimately becoming a full-time travel writer. “Great Escape Publishing does a wonderful job of providing the programs and tools to help people realize they can change the direction of their lives… and get out of that office cubicle!” Terri shares some of her favorite success stories and how tho